Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mental Patients and Texans....

So, one day we were watching a movie called "Bad News Bears." It was a cute show with a lot of grown up humor...BTW I wouldn't let young kids watch it.....and in one of the scenes you have the baseball team going out for lunch after a game when the coach says something to the affect of "good lord, do you have to have that much ketchup" an other kids pipes up and says "My mom says that the only people to love that much ketchup is Mental Patients or Texans..." Ever since that day I know which is my family.

Yes, I did marry a Texan with an offspring of himself. Last night it was every evident which they were. I made dinner and it was beautiful, lovely cooked chicken to perfection, mashed potatoes, and peas. It looked so gorgeous on the plate. Then it happened...."Honey" "Yes, dear" "Could you grab the ketchup for me?" WHAT?? Seriously?? Yep, both of them, ketchup over everything. I was so heartbroken that they thought that putting on ketchup would help improve the flavor of this wonderful meal that I had just spent the last 30 minutes making. GRRRRR...Texas Men!!!

This might give ya an idea of what it almost looked like before the ketchup was added. Everything was beautiful.....then, the aftermath of the attack of the ketchup......

What a sad day for me...and my cooking.

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