I now know why I have this blog....it is to help me vent my frustrations out and not at everyone else right?? I hope so. I am so freak'n pissed right now...I just need to write it all out...so if I offend anyone, right now I am sorry, but later I might not be. Just take it with a grain of salt and move on.
So, yesterday, I dropped Harley off at school (like always) and then when Dave called me to see if he could pick him up from daycare you would expect him to be there. Well, yesterday, that was not the case. Dave got over to the daycare place and found out that he was not there and no body knew where he was. SERIOUSLY?? You are telling us this. After the staff member called the school to find out if he was there or not...Dave rushed over and picked him up. He was so brave. The first things out of his mouth was "I am sorry, Daddy, but I missed the bus, but I didn't cry." Talk about melting your heart.
I didn't know any of this until I got home from work. I was about 15 min behind Dave picking up Harley. I can not begin to describe how furious I was when I found out. At first I didn't know what to do or what to think. Later on as the night progressed I found myself getting more and more mad about the whole situation. I kept thinking...Harley was sitting in the school office for 45 min and no one freak'n called me to tell me that he was there.....what the hell???
Needless to say, I didn't sleep very well last night. I kept having nightmares of things that could have happened and then a dream about me getting everyone into a room and yelling at them until I couldn't yell anymore. The one thing that I didn't know was what really happened. I just had what Harley told us, which let me tell you isn't much...he is six after all and he thought he had done something wrong.
So, this morning I got up and wrote down our phone numbers on a card for Harley and told him any time he needed me or something happened that he needed me he had my number to call me. Then we had time when I tried to drill my number into his poor little head. He said enough and said that he had the card in case he couldn't remember it. I finally relented and told him how much I love him and that I just want him to be safe. He said I love you too.
When we got to school, I still didn't know what I was going to do or who I was going to talk to about my concerns. So, finally I called my mommy!! Yep, even at this age in life, I do need my mommy. I talked to her about what I should do. She told me to go into the school and talk to the principle and that is exactly what I did. I marched myself in there like a big important person and demanded to see the principle. The secretary there told me that the principle was out with some students and that there was another person before me. Then they asked me if they could help. I decided that really they are the brains behind the school and they would probably know more than the principle so I relayed my plight with them and asked them if they knew why no one called me to let me know that my son was in the office. They told me that they had seen Harley come in and he told them that he missed the bus. The secretary told me that she called the daycare and they said that they were stuck in traffic and would be there shortly. She told Harley to go outside and wait for them at the usually spot. He did and then 15 min later he came back and told them that the bus didn't come. He ended up waiting in the office until Dave got there. After I heard this I was even more mad, but I think that it was more towards the daycare.
I got to work, mad....I called the daycare about 11:00 a.m. to find out what really happened. When I called, I had to wait for the director come on the phone so I could ask her. The hold time I was trying to calm down. I asked her what had happened yesterday. She told me that the bus that usually picks up Harley from school was in a little fender bender and that she had to go to all 10 schools to pick up all the kids and she guesses that Harley wasn't where he was suppose to be to meet them. She then told me that she never received a call from the school and by the time she got all the kids back to the center and calmed down Dave was there to pick up Harley. She told me that she didn't know that he was not on the bus, nor did she ever get a personal phone call from the school letting her know that Harley missed the bus. During our whole conversation did she ever say, "I am sorry that I left your son at school. We are making sure that this never happens again and I am looking into new procedures so this will never happen again." Instead she ended up blaming everyone else for the miscommunication between the school and the daycare.
I was so appalled that here is a director of the daycare that I entrust my child to telling me that it wasn't her fault for them leaving and not being aware where my child was. When we first went looking at this place, I was a little hesitant, and I wasn't sure why, but when we went back to have Harley check it out and get his approval, the director told both, Dave and I, that within 15 min of not picking Harley up we would be getting phone calls from the daycare asking us if we had possibly picked up our son. The way that she told us of all the security measures that they had in place it really impressed us. Guess what?? NOT IMPRESSED any more. I don't know what I am going to be doing now. I would hate to pull Harley from another stable environment, but then I would never want this to happen again. He is my everything and so help me if anything were to happen to him there would and is one angry momma bear here to protect him.
Can I just tell you that I have been there done that? OH MY GOD! Ok when Devin was a boy, he was in a daycare center that had two buildings, in the afternoons the one he was in would close up and walk all the kids over to the main building. One day I went to pick up my son and he wasn't in the main building but everyone else was. I had stopped at the other building first to find it locked up. So I am freaking out.. Ryan hadn't picked him up, nor my parents.. I made them go back and check just in case, even though they said they had gotten everyone out. Guess what, Devin had gone to the restroom and came out to find himself locked in the other building. They had left without him! I was so freaking pissed off. The director did say she was sorry but it seemed insincere, like what could she do about it now? My son was sincerely traumatized, he had a few issues with being left alone after that. We eventually got him comfortable with trusting his daycare again, it was our only choice at the time. I was so furious with them and their oh well it happens attitude. If I had it to do all over again, I would tell the director (and in your case, the principle) that my story was going to be all over the news. Nothing whips them into shape, like bad press!
ReplyDeleteI am still very mad about it all. Dave and I didn't know what to do, but the next day after the incident(thank goodness) Dave got off early and went and picked him up at the school. It wasn't until Friday before he went to the daycare. I called just to make sure that he was there and he started to cry. Harley doesn't do that so I went and picked him up immediately. The director then started to say something about how he was upset not being there the other day and missing his friends...I just ignored her and took my son. He is much better now, but I still don't talk to the director.