Wednesday, September 8, 2010

X96 - Morning from Hell Radio Show....

So, I am not much for talk radio or really radio for that fact. Since I have found this new little invention called an has become something in the past for me....but, like all good iPod found its a washing machine....Really? How could I have checked everyone's pockets except for mine?? Now I am iPod less and have been begging Dave for a new one ever since. He has this cute little thing that he does....."what? I can't hear you? I don't know what you are saying." whenever the subject of replacement is approached.

So, where was I going with this post....oh, yea...Radio. I have now become a mom that has to be to school early to make sure that her darling young son can get to class on time. So we sit in the car and wait....and wait.....and wait. (It is so weird, I can be late for everything in the world, but when it comes to taking Harley to school...get this....I am 20 min early.) Well, recently we have been listening to the radio (when Harley isn't pushing every single button in the car) and one of the radio shows that I have been prone to stop on is X96. I must confess that I usually don't listen to this station, but occasionally I press on it to listen to a song or comment.

This morning was one of those exceptions. I was listening to them talk and then they got on to this topic of things that must, of course, I want to do this. I want to sit here and type all the things that must go. It was funny listening to them because they would sit there and argue about some of the things that one person thought should go such as people who put dog sweaters on their dogs.

So, here is my list of things that must go:

1. People that get into the far left lane only to cut everyone off in order to make a right hand turn.
2. People who boast about having a secure day care and then ending up leaving your child at the school and don't notice that he is missing until you go and try to pick him up.
3. People who are in the administration office of a school to allow a boy to sit in their office for an hour and a half without calling their parents.
4. People who don't call you back when you have left 10 messages.
5. People who say they are going to come in and sign some paperwork and then never show up and don't return phones calls.
6. Tracking down people to make arrangements to see their kids.
7. Ketchup
8. Annoying coughs
9. Getting up at the butt crack of dawn
10. Not feeling refreshed.

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